Nutcracker Ballet Raffle Ticket
Nutcracker Ballet Raffle Ticket

Nutcracker Ballet Raffle Ticket

While the Sugar Plum Fairy rewards Clara and the Nutcracker Prince with a celebration of dances, raise money to reward the charitable cause you believe in with Nutcracker Ballet Raffle Tickets. Each template features the nutcracker’s detailed face on a blue wintery background with a red and green stripe at the bottom.
  • Nutcracker Ballet Raffle Ticket
  • Approximately 5.63" x 1.97"
  • Securely numbered
  • Booklet binding available
  • 1.875" perforated stub
  • Matching #6 1/2 envelopes can be added to your order
You don’t have to travel to the Land of Sweets for sweet Raffle Tickets from accesso ShoWare.